Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer Review

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You’d think that warming your baby’s bottle should not be much of a challenge, but for some reason, it can be quite difficult. Ok, so it might not be a huge issue if you are at home and have access to all of your things.

However, if you are out and about with your baby, as new parents often like to be, warming up a baby’s bottle can be a challenge.

If you don’t have access to a stove or microwave, how will you feed your baby? Some pretty neat gadgets allow parents to heat baby bottles on the go, no matter where they are, such as the one we are about to review.

Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer


The Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer is a modern innovation on something a bit older. In theory, it’s more or less a thermos that can keep water warm until you need it to heat your baby’s bottle.

It might not be able to connect to your smartphone or anything fancy like that, but it is convenient and it gets the job done.

Who is This Product For?

The Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer is designed for new parents who don’t want to be relegated to being at home all the time.

Parents have to warm up baby bottles; this is a fact of life. They have to be just the right temperature, not too hot or too cold.

Sure, this is easy to do at home, but not on the go. You need some way to heat that baby bottle to the right temperature, and the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer is the way to do it.

What’s Included?

When you purchase the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer, you get what essentially amounts to an insulated thermos to keep water warm until you need it.

Overview of Features

Quite honestly, this is one of the simplest baby bottle warmers we have ever seen, and this means that the features we can talk about are a bit limited. As we mentioned, this is essentially a thermos that can keep water warm for up to 6 hours because of the insulated walls.

This way, all you have to do is fill the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer with hot or warm water, close the lid, and take it with you. It features a good screw-on lid, so it is easy to open and close, and it won’t leak during your travels.

The Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer is large enough to fit even the largest of baby bottles, and no matter the shape or size of your baby bottle, it should fit in this warmer.

Yes, it is designed specifically for Closer to Nature Baby Bottles, but can easily hold other bottles too. It’s a portable and convenient option not only because you can heat a bottle anywhere, but also because it is compact and lightweight.


There is not much to know about using the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer. Simply fill it up with warm water and screw the lid on tight.

Once you need to warm your bottle, simply put the bottle inside of the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer until it is warm enough for your baby.

Remember, warm water will stay warm for up to 6 hours, but if you think that you will need it after even more than 6 hours, use hot water to ensure that it will still be warm after something like 10 hours.


  • Simple and convenient
  • Durable
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Good for being on the go


  • No temperature gauge
  • Water only stays warm for so long


If you need something to warm up your baby’s bottles, but don’t need something for when you are on the go, and would rather have something a bit more technologically advanced, take a look at the Dr. Brown’s Deluxe Baby Bottle Warmer.

If you would like to have a baby bottle warmer that can sanitize pacifiers too, the First Years 2-in-1 Simple Serve Bottle Warmer is another good alternative to keep in mind.


Although the Tommee Tippee Travel Bottle Warmer may not be a piece of technological innovation that will make it into the history books it’s a simple to use, convenient, and portable bottle warmer for parents on the go, not to mention that it comes in at a very good price.

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